Fit in her late 50s, Linda Jackson is paving the way for more good health later in life. (Courtney Perry/Staff photographer)
Let?s see?as if feeling better, looking better, being calmer and more optimistic aren?t enough, here?s yet another reason to exercise:
You?re more likely to avoid chronic-care issues in old age.
My dad, God love him and rest his sweet soul, wasn?t an exerciser. As his health began (and continued) declining, I wondered whether his life would have been any different had he worked out when he was younger.
Turns out?maybe so. Research by The Cooper Institute, in collaboration with UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas shows people who are fit at midlife have fewer chronic diseases when they?re older.
Published in The Archives of Internal Medicine, the study followed 18,000 ?generally healthy? men and women, average age 49 at its onset, who underwent baseline preventive medical exams at Cooper. In addition to a treadmill test, participants were screened for other risk factors such as blood pressure, cholesterol, and body mass index (BMI).
An average 26 years after examination, participants? health status was evaluated using Medicare data. The result: Fitter individuals ?aged well with fewer chronic illnesses to impact their quality of life,? says Dr. Benjamin Willis, staff epidemiologist at Cooper and first author of the study.
In addition, the fitter people studied had a lower burden of such chronic conditions as heart failure, Alzheimer?s disease, diabetes, coronary artery disease, chronic kidney disease, and certain cancers.
Another promising finding: The fittest of those who died spent less time burdened by chronic health problems.
So take that walk, climb those stairs, swim a few laps. You?re paving the way for a healthier future.
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